3 Things to Consider When Buying a Gun Safe

If you are planning to purchase your first firearm, you will also need to install a gun safe in your home. Firearms regulations in Australia require the owner of a weapon to store it and any ammo in a secure location such as a gun safe. Failure to do so could result in you losing your firearms licence. Read on to discover some of the things you should consider when installing a gun safe. 


The storage location for the safe needs to be safe and well secured. When considering the location, you should consider how easy a particular location will make it for someone else to access the gun safe. For example, installing a gun safe near your front door or in a garage would make it easy for someone else to access the safe. It is a good idea to locate your gun safe under a set of stairs, in a cupboard in an internal room with no windows as these areas are more secluded and secure. The second thing you will need to think about is how easily you will be able to access the weapons.


You will need to think about how many guns you will need to store as this will dictate the size of safe required. You will not be permitted to pile weapons up on top of each other inside the safe. Each weapon will need its own rack in which it is secured. When thinking about capacity, you should also consider the possibility you will purchase more guns in the future. If you do, it may be worthwhile investing in a safe with additional space.


Finally, you need to consider a gun safe warranty. There are two types of warranties available: 

Lifetime Warranty 

If you choose to buy a gun safe through an authorized retailer, you should be given a lifetime warranty. This type of cover means that you are insured against any damage to the safe or to the weapons it contains.

Standard Warranty 

Most gun safes sold in Australia have a standard warranty. This does not provide a lifetime guarantee. It will pay for any damage to the safe or the keys being lost. However, you will not be given a guarantee if someone breaks in to steal your guns.

If you want to find out more about installing a gun safe in your home, you should make contact with a local locksmith today.

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About Me

Choosing The Best Safe For Your Home When my grandmother passed away a few years ago, she gifted me some wonderful pieces of jewellery. Although they are not worth much financially, they are irreplaceable to me so I decided to buy an at-home safe to store them. Since I have never purchased a safe before, I began this blog so I could share the information I have researched. From choosing the right size to figuring out where to hide the safe, I trust you will find my blog posts contain a bevvy of information which helps you determine which type of at-home safe would suit your own family needs.
